Torna Tezgahında Konik Tornalama Açı Hesabı
Torna tezgahında konik tornalama işlemi için küçük bir konik hesabı yapmak gerekir. Bu hesap torna tezgahında supportu kaç derece döndürmemiz gerektiğini verir. Konik tornalama formülünü ve hesabını aşağıda izah etmeye çalıştık.Aşağıdaki hesap makinesi büyük çapı,küçük çapı ve konik tornalacak boyu girdiğiniz zaman koniklik açısını sizin için otomatik hesaplar.
Not 1:Küsüratlı sayıları virgül değil nokta kullanarak yazınız. Aksi takdirde hata verecektir.Not 2: Virgülden sonraki sayıyı dakikaya dönüştürmek istiyorsak;pratik olarak virgülden sonraki sayıyı 6 ile çarparak dakikayı bulabilirsiniz.
Faydalı olması dileğiyle;

You need to make a small calculation for the conical turning at the lathe. This calculation gives us how many degrees of support we need to rotate. We have tried to explain the conical turning formula and calculator below. The following calculator automatically calculates the taper angle when you enter large diameter, small diameter and conical turning lenght. taper turning calculator
Note 1: Write odd numbers using comma, not dot. Otherwise, it will fail.
Note 2: The calculator gives a very precise result. So it is enough to consider two steps after the point.
Note 3: If you want to convert the next countdown from minutes to minutes, you can practically find the minute by multiplying the next count by 6,
I wish it would be useful;
D: large diameter, d: small diameter, L: conical size, for example; with a large diameter D: 40mm, a small diameter d: 20mm and a conical size L: 35mm with a conical turning part;
D:büyük çap,d:küçük çap,L:konik boyu olmak üzere, örneğin; büyük çap D:40mm , küçük çap d:20mm ve konik boyu L:35mm ebatlarında konik tornalanacak bir parçamız olsun;
trigonometri cetvelinde tanjant sütununda 15,94 = 15° 56' (15 derece 56 dakikaya)
tekabül eder. (Aşağıdaki trigonometrik cetvel üzerinde işaretlenmiştir.) Torna tezgahında supporta verilecek açı böylece bulunmuş olur.
trigonometri cetvelinde tanjant sütununda 15,94 = 15° 56' (15 derece 56 dakikaya)
tekabül eder. (Aşağıdaki trigonometrik cetvel üzerinde işaretlenmiştir.) Torna tezgahında supporta verilecek açı böylece bulunmuş olur.

You need to make a small calculation for the conical turning at the lathe. This calculation gives us how many degrees of support we need to rotate. We have tried to explain the conical turning formula and calculator below. The following calculator automatically calculates the taper angle when you enter large diameter, small diameter and conical turning lenght. taper turning calculator
Note 2: The calculator gives a very precise result. So it is enough to consider two steps after the point.
Note 3: If you want to convert the next countdown from minutes to minutes, you can practically find the minute by multiplying the next count by 6,
I wish it would be useful;
D: large diameter, d: small diameter, L: conical size, for example; with a large diameter D: 40mm, a small diameter d: 20mm and a conical size L: 35mm with a conical turning part;
To calculate the taper turning angle on a lathe, you need to know the base diameter of the cone and the height of the cone. These dimensions can be used to calculate the slope of the cone, which is the angle between the surface of the cone and the base of the cone.
You can use the following formula to calculate the slope of the cone:
Slope = beat (diameter / height)
where "diameter" is the diameter of the base of the cone and "height" is the height of the cone. The result will be in radians.
You can use the following formula to convert the slope from radians to degrees:
Degree = slope * (180 / pi)
where "pi" is the mathematical constant roughly equal to 3.14.
After calculating the inclination of the cone in degrees, you can use this value to determine the taper rotation angle on the lathe. Since the cone will be cut in half to form the desired shape, the angle of rotation of the cone will be equal to half the slope.
For example, if the base diameter of the cone is 4 inches and the height of the cone is 6 inches, the inclination of the cone will be approximately 18.4 degrees. The cone rotation angle for this cone will be approximately 9.2 degrees.
Eyvallah usta , konik tornalama hesabını şimdi anladım.
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